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JANUARY 31, 2008


New tax scams offering tax rebate and using IRS name flood e-mail inboxes and telephones
The Internal Revenue Service is warning taxpayers to beware of several current e-mail and telephone scams that use the IRS name as a lure. The IRS expects such scams to continue through the end of tax return filing season and beyond.

PCAOB approves Auditing Standard No. 6 in response to FASB 154
The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board has voted to adopt Auditing Standard No. 6, Evaluating Consistency of Financial Statements, and an accompanying set of amendments to the Board's interim auditing standards.

State tax comparison seen as key factor in choosing a retirement destination
With tax season rapidly approaching, many people planning their retirement are wondering how their retirement income will be taxed if they move. Also, what other taxes will they have to confront in their new location. Depending on where you choose to live, your tax bill may affect your ability to enjoy the lifestyle you are seeking. Some states are more tax-friendly to retirees than others.


What have you got to say today?

Liz Zitzow:
Far and Away: Offshore Taxation
What's the scoop on US taxation of foreign interest?

In this article, I learned that British bank NatWest beat the IRS for a tax refund of $66 million. WooHoo! Basically, the US wanted to tax NatWest's US branch for items exempt under the treaty. They duked it out for quite a while, but eventually the plucky Brits won. The incident brought to my mind a common error I see on tax returns....

David Tate, CPA, Esq.
Audit Committee performance evaluation youtube link

Audit committees of companies that are listed on the NYSE are required to engage in an annual performance evaluation.... The following is a youtube link to a presentation that I prepared discussing a possible audit committee performance evaluation process....

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Find Employees, Find Jobs!
AccountingWEB, Inc. and CareerBank have joined forces to offer you a quick way to find and employee, or a job, depending on your needs. In addition, you can get career resources and industry news to help you find your dream job faster.

Publisher's Note

According to a Gallup Poll from last year, 64 percent of Americans drink alcohol. Thirty-four percent of American drinkers choose wine. Fortunately, wine is not rising in price at the rate of oil. That's the good news. We already know the bad news about gasoline, feeling it every time we pull up to the pump. That precious petroleum product is now triple what it was just a few years ago. Wow! Wouldn't it be nice to increase your hourly billing rate three-fold? The next time a client balks at your price increase maybe you could pour them a glass of Merlot and remind them that their dollar goes a lot farther with you than it does with Shell, Gulf, and Exxon!

Rob Nance

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Destination CPA or bust
I don't have to tell many of you that there's a staffing crisis facing the accounting profession. Those of you using want ads and placement firms are all too familiar with the dire shortage of accounting professionals. To make more students aware of the career opportunities available in accounting, Texas Society of CPAs has developed a new interactive Web site

Tech News

10 tips to avoid spam
Spam is a fact of Internet life. According to recent figures from the security software industry, more than 80 percent of e-mail traffic is made up of spam. To fight the spam menace, McAfee has published the following suggestions to help prevent your e-mail address from becoming a target to spammers.

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